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Thursday, May 6, 2021

The Great Cataloguing has begun!

 A few days back I started cataloguing my books.  This is intended to be an exhaustive exercise and so far, starting from April 18th, I have catalogued some 180 odd books and I think we are about two-fifth of the way.  The exercise is purely a labour of love, as you dear reader have noted by now, your blogger loves nothing more than reading good stuff, from anywhere in the world.  

I am entering the information in excel and hope to upload the whole thing here when completed.  By the way, there have been some surprises too! E.g. a few books, about five so far, are now available for a significant higher price that I paid for them. A detailed large format ("coffee table") book on the life of Charlie Chaplin that I purchased in Frankfurt in 2009 for Euro 24 is now available on Amazon for eight times the price and it is in mint condition too.  When I spotted this book in a shop window then, the owner was just about to down the shutters and I had to plead with him to allow me to buy it.  Lucky buy plus a nice return on investment.  Not that I wish to sell it.   Some books are not available in the edition and format that I have.  E.g. Alan Moorehead's The White Nile.  The ordinary paperback on Amazon is available for Rs. 2200.  Mine is a large format with glossy paper.  It is just not in mint condition or else would have good value.  Anyway, hope to revert back with the full catalogue and some more book stories.  Ciao.  

Updated on Dec 4, 2021

The Great Cataloguing continues with about 300 titles recorded so far and some more to go.  Part of the break in this task was caused by our second relocation to Mumbai / Bombay and all the attendant issues.  E.g. Priya has joined St Xaviers College here to pursue an undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Media.  I know she can write but she needs to up her game.  Not intending to be tough on her but then writing skill requires tremendous work.  Its not unlike the hours and hours of "riyaaz"  that a musician spends honing her skills.  Hoping for the best for her or Minime

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