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Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Son is born!!

God blessed us with a son at quarter past noon on May 6, 2008. Baby (birth weight 3 kg) was actually due a fortnight later but both he and Dipti are doing fine as of now. The arrival of the second child means a much more busy daily routine but since my mother in law is currently with us, she is bearing the brunt of the strain. We are still thinking of a name for the baby (Saumitra, Somanshu, Shivam, Satyam, Prajval are some of the names on the shortlist).

My elder child (just writing 'elder' gives me the heebee jeebees!) Priya is showing some signs of sulking but overall she is quite pleased to have a brother even though just a night before the birth she was quite clear that she wanted a sister as otherwise we would have no use for all her barbie and other girl things and would throw them away. All said and done, betoo (that's how we call her most of the time) is very special to us as she has been the focus of our lives over the last 5 years, during all the traveling and living overseas and in a way she is my lucky charm. But now that the second one has come, he too would receive the same love from us.

Pictures follow soon!