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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Yeah! I am still here

 Once again apologies for being so callous at keeping up the blog.  The way I have gone about posting on this blog is sort of how I have muddled through things, in general.  Not particularly great but not giving up entirely either.  I will come back with some philosophical musings at a good time later but for now just wished to update on our domestic life.   

Betoo, i.e. Priya, has graduated from St Xaviers and started her first job with a Japanese advertising company in Mumbai.  Basically, has done all of us super proud☺She managed the job all by herself.  I hope she enjoys her time there and as and when the time is right, go for a higher degree from a reputed place.   Time will tell.  For now, she knows what she needs to do.  Billy, i.e. Saumitra, cleared std X board exams and made us even more proud, especially his mother.   He has decided to join the engineering rat race much against our suggestion that he take up humanities with mathematics and economics but well, let the children be.  Here, a short word about Saumitra.  Being the younger sibling the poor guy has all his life played a second fiddle to his dominant older sister who beats him hands down in the personality department.  She is outgoing, he is an introvert.  She is articulate and makes friends easily, he not exactly.  She is much better read and so on.   You get the picture.   At the same time, one of our family life's most endearing aspect, like with many other normal families, is sibilings' love.  Both of them dote on each other and while they do have their fights, at times rather vicious, and - with declining frequency, thank God, even fisticuffs, they really love each other.  One of the things that really unites them, baselessly though, is their supposedly tyrannical father.  But we will come back to this in future.  I wanted to talk about Saumitra and how I am unable to place him in terms of his inherent bent or strength.  He is certainly not like his sister in terms of aptitude and other attributes that I described above.  And yet, he tends to surprise us, and I suppose himself too, if one were to apply the conventional measures of success usually applied for young students in India.   There are a few things he is certainly good at, for his age that is.   He possesses a sense of irony, a wry sense of humour and spatial intelligence.  E.g. he learnt to solve the Rubik's Cube entirely by himself.  The first person to do so in our combined families, which given the generous size of Dipti's, is saying a lot.  Watch the video below for what his schoolteacher observed about him on the day to honour students who did well in std X board examinations. 

So, I hope to come back again with more focussed theme for a post.  Just to put it here, the country is reeling under an intense heat wave, all the talk about climate change is true I suppose.  Delhi recorded a high of 52.3 degrees celsius last week, its highest ever recorded temperature.  Hope, it was an aberration.   Bye for now.