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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 3 (Day 2 sorry)

Apologies for not reporting yesterday. Excuse being that was quite busy throughout the day and finally when I returned by 10 pm was just too tired to work on the computer.

Actually I was at the Brand Equity Quiz , Mumbai round held in Bandra. The subdued tone should be eloquently suggesting to you , dear reader that we (with my team mate from the Bank) didnt make it even to the final round. Hindustan Lever won. I knew the very first question in the final which came to the audience but another guy shouted me down in catching Derek o'Brien's (the quiz master) attention and yours truly just watched the rest of show silently seething with anger.

As for the tasks progress, not much but Day 3 appears promising. Have a busy day ahead at the office where I have to prepare a report on the performance of the US economy for the last 6 months for a meeting of our highest decision making committee. The stock markets continue to trek downhill with the sovereign debt crisis still causing aftershocks post the Greek sovereign debt earthquake. Not that it will interest you but the US 10 year was at 3.39 which is a warning sign. Lets see.

Missing family especially the younger one and from the phone calls it appears that he too is missing me. He is just 2 year but displays a lot of boy kind of qualities and I being the only other male in the household (yes we both have checked each other out) he sort of knows that we are on the same side. Delighted at the thought of raising him (and of course his sister too):-) I have to stop now but will certainly attempt to post something later tonight.