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Monday, May 31, 2010

A productive day

Well finally I did something I had been meaning to do for a long time. First lets evaluate the progress thus far of the goals we had earlier stated as follows:

1. Read the Fixed Income Analysis book: Progress is good but can be better. Target is to complete reading till ch. 8. I am currently in the middle of ch. 6.

2. Figure out forward trading in forex markets: Not done.

(Non professional goals)

1. Complete my office housekeeping issues: Not done but promise to do it tomorrow.

2. Write an article based on V S Ramachandran's "Phantoms of the Brain": Not done as I lent the book to an interested colleague who has family member suffering from some brain ailment.

3. And just for kicks call the Guitar teacher !! Well I had second thoughts about lugging a heavy guitar around.

4. Minimise eating out:-( This was tough but happy to report only two outings so far and one was really necessary. Actually there is one planned tomorrow as well but its with the office crowd.

But the feather in the cap is that I finally translated in my own words and as per my style the first chapter of Vinoba's Geeta. Loved doing it and practically did it in 2 sittings (3000+ words). I like it.

With this last accomplishment I think we can easily award more than 8/10 in terms of progress. Honestly, if I can complete Chapter 2 of Vinoba before family comes back I would be truly elated. Chapter 2 is not just great in terms of its message but pretty long too, 18 pages compared to just 4 in the first chapter.

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