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Monday, May 17, 2010

Family's away

Day 1 (May 16, 2010)

Dipti and the babies have gone to her parents' place for 3 weeks. So is this a great opportunity to learn something new (say playing the guitar) or learn professionally useful skills or reading some books that I have been planning to read for a long time. Time will tell. The track record is actually quite sad. On such occasions in the past I have ended up watching movies at all hours almost 99% of the time. The first day this time too was no different even though I did some damage control late in the evening by spending an hour at Bandra's Crossword bookstore just browsing. On return (after downing two gulab jamuns at Brijwasi's on Linking Road) flopped down on the couch to watch Goodfellas for about an hour before my conscience yanked the remote from my grip and switched off the T.V. To avoid this catastrophe from occuring again these notes here are intended to monitor my progress regarding the following goals:

1. Read the Fixed Income Analysis book
2. Figure out forward trading in forex markets

(Non professional goals)

1. Complete my office housekeeping issues
2. Write an article based on V S Ramachandran's "Phantoms of the Brain"
3. And just for kicks call the Guitar teacher !!
4. Minimise eating out:-(

Most Important

Post your progress or the lack of it here everyday!

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