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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day (?)

Why does it always happen that I promise something on the blog (and eleswhere) and then fail to follow it up. Unpardonable. I mean I had stated that I will report daily progress but I havent. Before I proceed to describe the events since the last week (nothing much) lets look at the progress made so far.

1. Doing some professional reading though the pace can be much better.

2. So far have eaten out only twice and tonight almost ordered pizza but then ate some home cooked food. However, as the quantity was not enough at the moment I am trying my best to not think of food (while I can write about it!)

3. Visited a new bookstore near Lower Parel station. Its called Landmark, I think its the same chain which runs the eponymous bookstore in Madras. Well it was quite well stocked and there was a fair crowd. I liked the collection too though once again the latest releases (books already released in NY and London) were not available. By the way I stumbled upon something which was authored by a neighbour in Delhi. After having gone through some pages it left me a little confused about the ideas of the author, though honestly I was a bit jealous that this guy who I thought was good for nothing should be turning author and all that. Later that night I mentioned the book to my father over phone and next day, lo and behold, the author in question calls me up in office to inquire where I had found the book and raving about the circulation numbers. The funny thing- he probably spoke to me after a gap of 20 years. Before he hung up he asked if I had bought the book to which I had to reply with a no and he got a bit upset. I like that.

4. Nothing else to report. Still wondering when I should change jobs. I will but after having lived in Mumbai for almost 4 years I am not sure if I want to get back to Delhi. I mean one thing is the heat. Will visit this bit again.

5. I just have to mention this- read a few James Herriot stories today, maybe for the 35th time. Boy are they good or what. My safe, simple and 100% guaranteed antidote to feeling sad and lonely.

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