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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hong Kong (November 2010)

Visting Hong Kong for the first time.  As a matter of fact this is first time I have traveled east of India.  HK is a quite a charming town, a symbol of what capitalism can do for man and also perhaps that all this prosperity, the infestation of high end brands are about all that it can provide.  HK people are extremely friendly and while English speaking is a problem on more than an ocassion when I asked somebody for directions and they either didnt follow me or were not able to tell me ensured that someone who could was brought forward to help me out.  I am displaying three pictures here.  The first one above is the famed Hong Kong skyline.  I took this from atop 'The Peak' and the tall building in the middle is the International Finance Centre 2.  I like the way it stands in the middle of the picture, present but almost surreal.

This picture (or self portrait) was clicked using the self-timer.  I am usually averse to uploading my own pictures on the web but the reason I put this one out is that it rather faithfully displays the signs of impending middle age.  I feel that this picture captures me the way I think about myself.  Appears to be lost and am actually so most of the time!

This one is that of the Tian Tan Buddha perched atop the hills of Lantau Island of Hong Kong.  Again the self-timer came to my aid and did quite a job.  I placed the camera on the ground facing the sky and then placed a folded newspaper underneath it so that it tilted towards the statue.  I had no idea that this was the best angle possible.  Buddha appears to be handing out a pat on my shoulder to thank me for my efforts!!