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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Goal

March 28, 2007

Challenge at workplace

One of my reccurent professional challenges is finding accurate and 100% trustworthy information on the internet on any topic in general and the financial world in particular. In case of the latter, most free information is very sketchy and of course often inaccurate but most annoyingly it is simply not there-right? This is so because companies and data providers will charge a hefty permium for simply collecting information from public sources and converting it in to glitzy PDFs. Surely there is a value add in what they do and I dont want to take it away from them but I believe that public information should and can be made publicly available at no cost.

My blog is born!


I intend to use my blog for the following purposes:

-Share my reading, music and traveling interests

-Hope to take my Italian culinary skills to the next level by getting to know experts online

-Disseminate knowledge and information about the Indian Banking industry and regulations in a structured and friendly manner. My target audience is Indian banking customers and potential foreign investors in the Indian Banking (and Financial ) System (IBS). I have been part of the industry for the last more than 10 years in three diverse locations in India.

That's it! Feels great about having my own blog and all....thanks to google


Sid (Siddhartha)